Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It's Finally The End

Well, it's finally the end of the semester in about a week or so and I feel very accomplished after taking this class. I've learned so much from art 201 and I feel like I have a good grasp on the basics of all of the programs we've learned. I may have even learned a little more than I expected for photoshop since I just recently got it from a friend. With most of these programs, it just takes playing with the program and practicing. Most of the people I know that thoroughly understand many if not all of the adobe programs are all self-taught. So if you can get your hands on Adobe Suite, I suggest just having fun with the programs and learning along the way, just like we did in this class. Professor Anderson made it fun with an enthusiastic environment. She's what made the class so great and so fun to learn. It may have been a bit tedious and frustrating at times, but that's what made it all the better once you figured out your problem. Overall, I had an amazing experience in this class and gained so much knowledge; knowledge that I can now use later on in life. It was a great semester, thanks guys!

-Marcello Sanceau

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