Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I have to do project 3 I started on it a week ago but it just seems like we have not had enough time to do this one. I feel stressed already with the amount of work I have. I commute about an 1 and a half. My boyfriends father just died and I have to write an eight page paper, design a website and another 5 page paper in a week. I like the idea behind project 3 but I sure could of used more time to complete this ! I even worked outside of class and it's just very time consuming... I need a vacation.
- Ashley Dvorak

1 comment:

Web Design at CSUN said...

Yup! I think we all do! I want more time too...one more day would have made a huge difference for me. Wish things worked out the way we want them.

Sorry to hear about your boyfriend's father...hope you're boyfriend is doing well.

Yasmin Chowdhury