Friday, April 30, 2010

we can make music!

Well I like the fact that we learned how to put some music into the page. I know that some guys already knew how to do it, but now it was part of the class it helps out. I suppose it would be nice to have some sort of simple sound editing program it edit music and sounds and stuff, but I guess that's another whole thing the learn itself.

Eric Smith

Controlling the embedded music player

When looking at the W3Cs page about HTML5, it seems like there's a new tag for inserting audio. It's called <audio> :) It behaves just as the <embed> tag, but has the feature that external scripts can control it. I found this website, providing a great set of functions for the player. The script provided requires some knowledge in Javascript and jQuery, but appears to be really handy.

-- Erik Hedberg

Thursday, April 29, 2010


ex12 is really hard, i'm trying to do it follow the pdf file, but still can't success. Need to read the pdf file again to double check all the steps.

phuong nguyen

Ex11 and Ex12

Exercise 11 was really interesting and at the same time it was fun. I have never worked with flash, but even though it is my first time working with flash it does not seem too difficult. Exercise 11 was fun because it gave us a chance to work with flash and illustrator and be as creative as we wanted to be. Today's exercise was very helpful because it taught me something new that i can implement into my third project. The one thing that exercise 12 really showed me was how to add music. Before this exercise i knew how to add pop ups, but i didn't know how to add music, or how to use open web browser window behavior.

Ricardo Guzman

class website

The class website looks very nice. The author did spent a great time and effort on it. I feel pity that my design didn't win :)

Phuong Nguyen

Exercise 12

I got to class late today and immediately got to work on Exercise 11 which was due today but I knew that I had to get to work on Exercise 12 because it too was due today. While working on Exercise 11 I was unable to fully pay attention to the demo for Exercise 12 but once I finished with Exercise 11 I read the pdf file and had no troubles working through the exercise on my own. Everything was very straightforward and I even added rollovers to the nav links because I felt like just simply using regular jpg images was not enough. The whole separate browser window and the pop up message was amazing.
-Aaron Gonzalez

project 2 progress

I think I am past the halfway point of my e-book and it's coming along nicely. I hope that it doesn't look as awful as my 2nd project. I wanted to animate the pages but it seems a little complex. I could have a friend help me a little with it but I don't know if I have time. Some of the examples from past classes had very abstract ideas or books that were non-linear which was interesting. I thought everyone would make something simpler. I hope that my project doesn't up too plain or boring. I just need to figure out how to make my text flow better with my images aesthetically. Other than that, everything seems fine.
- Philo Leung

Exercise 11

Exercise 11 was fun but I did, however, encounter a problem. Flash CS4 differs from CS3 in the sense that there is not button to create a motion guide. The alternative process to fulfill the command is a little different but it is not too difficult once you get the hang of it. In the end I enjoyed creating the animation with the ball and the bug and I even added a background to the animation to make it look nicer.
-Aaron Gonzalez

html and websites

After this semester I know how to create and design a website. That is pretty cool concerning that I never used a computer like that before. I still don't have an idea for project three and it bothers me but as soon as I do, I will work it out.

-Maria Pistalu

Photo Shoot Today??

Shows how long I've been away. Found the strength to get up for class today not knowing I could've potentially missed out on the class shoot for Project 3. Thank God I'm here!!

-Rikki Bentley

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I just purchased my own domain on The link is Considering there are plenty of "Amy Truong's" out there, I didn't think it was still available but it was. Anyway, I posted up my project 2 for the multimedia showcase on May 14. If anyone is interested in purchasing their own domain, it was $10.99 or .89 for a year. I have mine for 5 years. Hopefully, I'll put it to some good use. I plan on putting my class website proposal there as well just to give viewers else something to look at besides project 2. Congrats to Eddie who won. I wasn't there to vote, but I'm looking forward to seeing the final result when all of the websites are linked on.

-Amy Truong

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Class Website Thanks

So i was pretty nervous today about the whole voting for class websites and i just wanted to thank everyone that voted. I will try and make this website as good as i can up to my ability for the class. I feel like the lights really light up the website and will make everyones name look really nice. So i will get working on this asap as i have a lot of other school work to turn in these two weeks. Finals are stressful.

- Eddie Martinez

Exercise 11

Today's exercise was very exciting but at the same time very stressful because i was running on Flash CS4 so the layout and procedure was different. But working together with my fellow classmate i was able to figure it out. This was actually what i wanted to do for project 10 on my website and i will be working on that tommorow to turn in on thursday. The only thing is that i'm going to have more than just one or two lights glowing and moving so it should look pretty good when it comes out.

-Eddie Martinez

Excersise 11

There is only a few more classes until the end of the semester. I can't believe it...the semester flew by. Have to get project 3 finished in time, but I think it will turn out pretty awesome. Exercise 11 was okay...I got lost at the very beginning of the assignment. While I waited for professor to start over, I got to work on making my bug look cute. Now, I need to work on my quizzes and gathering pictures for project three.

-Chelsea Kowitz


I had several issues with Flash as well. It is very tricky at first. Every time I was headed in the wrong direction, I would restart the exercise. The exercise was not very long so it was easy to start over. I choose this method because I gained experience my doing the exercise several times. It also allowed me to learn from my mistakes.

-Alan Fassonaki


I don't know whether Flash being obsolete on Apple products is a good thing or a bad thing. I think it's HTML 5 that is accessible on Apple. I'm horrible at Flash, which is why I don't like it too much. I've had so many mix-ups and freak outs on Ex. 11 alone. I kept thinking I erased my layers and with all the progress in adding the layers and editing each one, it would've been a complete waste. Does anyone know any good sites that can teach Flash in simple steps?

-Amy Truong

Research Paper

I chose the Beyond the Fire website. It was a good and interesting site to me. I liked the way the site was designed because I haven't seen it like that before. Hearing people's voice talking gave the whole site an emotional basis. After getting a good grade in Project two (which I definitely didn't expect) I am really curious what I got for the research paper.

-Maria Pistalu

oh dannnnnnng.

yes. oh dang. school semester went by so fast! there is about two weeks of instructions and then finals... totally not looking forward the finals.... which adds more work for me -.-;;

anyways regarding with project 3 im debating how i will do it... even though i know what i want im debating how i want to make my characters on photoshop, or draw them and scan them for use.... ahhhhhhh stuck with a dilema.

recently, i just wanted date night (AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAA) best movie ever! thats probably the last fun im going to have since SCHOOL requires the next three weeks of my attention.

charlene kim

Monday, April 26, 2010

Project 3

So I guess project 3 could be pretty straightforward if you design it right. I have a good idea of what I want to do but I don't know yet if it will get too involved or not. I hope it is as straightforward as I think it is.

Hopefully we will learn some more tricks and stuff on Tuesday, I would like to be able to put more stuff into project 3

Eric Smith

Project 3

Project 3 is due next tuesday and i am struggling. I really wish we could have seen more examples of project 3, but since we only seen a few i still dont have a really good understanding of what we are being asked to do. Time is starting to run out and i really have to get a move on this project before it is too late. I have never been a creative writer so i am really having a hard time coming up with the story that the E-book is going to revolve around. Hopefully by the end of today i can have everything figured out and begin the project.

research paper

I found the research paper to be pretty intriguing. I chose the Beyond The Fire website and I learned a lot about the extreme hardships and life-changing problems that innocent people face in war-torn countries. The design was actually really well done and it engaged you as one of the audience with its incredible interactivity. I felt like it combined style and function well and it really connected you to the teenagers as you had to click images of passports or their faces to learn more about their background and life. The design of having the teenagers all over the globe and representing their countries really gives you scope of the impact that war has on people. I hope that younger students that visit the site really come away understanding the impact that war had or has on these kids and that they learn to appreciate the simple things like having a roof over your head and food on the table.
- Philo

Research Paper

I found the research paper helpful. It is always good to analyze other websites. I was able to get new ideas and try to replicate what I liked most from some of the sites.

- Alan Fassonaki

Exercise 10

Exercise 10 was very helpful. I gained more knowledge and brushed up on some parts of dreamweaver that I was still sketchy on. I think it was a great help. I am excited to learn more on Flash and expanding on utilizing to create different types of flash files for websites.

- Alan Fassonaki

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Class Website

Class website was pretty fun to make. Wish it was easier to do things becuase trying to make rollovers on a picture that has windows that you want to make rollovers on was very difficult to try and make. But overall i feel pretty good about the website and i hope you guys enjoy what i tried to make.

-Eddie Martinez

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Exercise 10 piece of cake.Research paper check!...Quiz done! just to crank out the project 3 and I'm done.....everything seems to be flying by now...


Exercise 10 seemed to be a bit like a review, but it was still a really good exercise. I remember when i first started dreamweaver everything was new and i really had no idea what i was doing. Now that we have been working with dreamweaver for some time now i have gained a better understanding of the program. The possibility and ease that dreamweaver provides is something that makes web design a lot easier, and faster compared to writing out everything in notepad. Anyway i know that dreamweaver has a lot to offer and i am ready to learn as much as i can before the semester ends.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Have been going through a lot of things lately and fell off by missing a lot of school. I plan to get back on track next week. Can't afford to not pass all of my classes.

Rikki Bentley

It"s only 3 weeks left

I just finished my exercise 10. I missed class on Tuesday so I had to do it all on my own. First it seamed pretty much but it was just one new thing which has to be repeated every time. It is really cool what possibilities Dreamwaver offers. I couldn't believe that all the websites are constructed exactly the way we do.

- Maria Pistalu

Nice presentation of HTML5

I stumbled upon a great slideshow with a presentation of all new elements and features of HTML5. The cool thing about the site is that it's entirely written in JS, HTML and CSS. A few years ago, I wouldn't have believed this to be possible.

-- Erik Hedberg

research paper

why does everything seem to drag on for so long, it feels like i just sat down to get started and its already 1:36am... class starts at 8am tomorrow morning. i've got a lot of writing to do, better get started.

--Winston Clark--

Research Alternative

I don't know how many people attempted to do the 800 x 600 webpage instead of the website paper, but I did. I can't stand writing even if it is only 800 words. I'm more of a visual communicator, which is why I enjoy design and such. I attempted it. What bothered me most about the final project is that it wasn't as animated as I would like it to be. Hopefully, when we turn it all in, someone could help or make suggestions about it. So far, I have a piano keyboard and a preview screen. The original idea was to have a critter, i.e. mouse or even a cockroach, move across the keyboard with each key as a link/hotspot to the student's E-book. I didn't know how to go about it exactly so instead if you hover over the hotspot, a few other keys will light up as well as a preview of the webpage with the student's name. That's about it...

-Amy Truong

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Getting the hang of it

It seems like exercise 10 was pretty easy, kind of a review. I think it's getting a little easier, the more we do this the more familiar it gets. Almost feel like I could put together some sort of website.

Interested to see what people come up with for the class website main page.

Eric Smith

Exercise 10

I dont know if it was just me but i felt like Exercise 10 was a review. My second project was mostly behaviors from each page transitioning to the next under one page. So all this came to me from my second project. The only thing i found a little challenging was trying to tweak an image with Flash as if i were trying to make a star move across the image. But overall Exercise 10 was a pretty good practice. PS. For some reason on PC if you are using CS4 and try to change the title for your CSS Styles it wont work. You need to set it at what it gives to you.

- Eddie Martinez

Exercise 10

Finished exercise 10 in class..yay! leaves me time to work on the research paper as I'm writing this....should be done in no time!

class website

the Class Website, should be fun =] 2010!!

_Elmore Villanueva

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 20th class

Today we did excersise 10. It was fairly easy, but pretty cool. I am really excited to work on my project three and other exercises. I feel like project three will turn out very fun. Now all i need to do is start my research paper....which i keep procrastinating. Whoops.

-Chelsea Kowitz

Unsigned Blog Entries

There are several unsigned blog entries. I can't give you a grade for your blog post if I don't know who you are.

Professor Anderson

Why is my Exercise 8 not graded

Professor, i showed you my exercise 8 two times and yet the grade does not show up in webteach. I'd really appreciate for my work to be reflected in my grade, if needed i can show you the work again as i still have it saved on my laptop. I also noticed that i have blogged more than three times but my grade only shows 3 points out of 10, i'm not saying that i have already done all ten but i know that i have done more than 3.

Thank you,
Aaron Gonzalez

Spring break

Taking a week off from school was the best. I was great having no worries just time to catch up on sleep and getting back to having fun for a bit. I didn't do much web design practicing during the break but i did mess around a lot with Flash animations because they were fun.

-Aaron Gonzalez

Sunday, April 18, 2010

hi everybody

Doing homework so I thought I'd get some blogging in. How is everyone's research and project 3 going? It seems like a pretty fun project to get started on considering I think we learned the skills we need to get it started. I think I'm leaning towards doing the paper than the class website alternative.

Project #2

Some people did so great on their second project. I was sitting in class watching all those projects and I dont know how everyone else felt, but I thought that the projects were all so much better than mine. Some of them were really beautiful.

-Maria Pistalu

Last assignments

Hi everyone,
the semester is almost over. we have a research paper and the third project as the next big assignemtns and thats it for this semester. I dont even know how to do the research paper but I'll be glad when I get over it. I think we should be done with most of our work in the next two weeks.

-Maria Pistalu

Friday, April 16, 2010

the Finish Line

the semester is almost over and it is time to get everything together. Just like other students have mentioned the semester is coming to an end and i still have work to do. Since we did not have class yesterday i had a chance to catch up and start working on my research paper, but this next project is giving me a real headache. I really dont know what i want to do for this next project and i am still in the process of coming up with a good idea for the next project, so if anyone has any good ideas for this project please let me know. Well i cant wait for next class because i am ready to work on the next exercise and gain more knowledge.

get better soon professor.

ohhh no countdown begins

feels like there's so much to do before the end of the semester!i'm graduating in may so I got to make sure all my work is done...and it seems like I haven't been in class for so long...i missed that tuesday before spring break..then its was furlough...then we went on break...and then no class tuesday......hope you're feeling better prof. was a nice little break !...I'm ready to get going on this stuff and just get it over with I'm ready to learn as much as I can before times up!

Getting closer to crunch time

I haven't even started the research paper yet. With the final essays and projects from my other classes, and only a few weeks left to the semester, it's all coming in at once. It's gonna be a busy few weeks coming up.
I think I know what I'm going to do for my project 3, I hope it's not as much work as the last project. I learned some good stuff from looking at y'all work the review session of project 2. I think it will make the next project look better.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Oi vey

I was so sad that class was cancelled today. I was really looking forward to learning new techniques and possibly working on the next project.

Also, I found it annoying that I checked my email a bunch of times yesterday, but missed the only important email to come in a while. Just my luck, hahaha. Oh well, got to take a little nap before my other classes.

Time to start working on my research paper for this class. Weee

-Chelsea Kowitz

Day off

Prof. Anderson, i feel sorry to hear that you got fever yesterday. Hope you will feel better today.

Extra time to stay at home and working on the project #3, class website idea, and research paper. There are so many things need to be completed but less time to do.. Keep WORKING

Phuong Nguyen

Only One Month Left

Unfortunately the last couple weeks have been quite a roller coaster for me. The week before spring break I found out that one of my friends from back home had passed. There is something about death that can force one to look at their own life and access where their priorities are. The only other thing I have to say about that is enjoy your life! Because I left I was unable to turn in Project 2 which has had me really stressed lately. But on a better note I am excited to finish Project 3. Summer is almost here and I am ready to hit the beach!

Westley Wright


Life is just entirely too crazy right now! Yes, I enjoyed spring break but now it's like life wont slow down and everything is happening all at the same time. I knew this before hand but it didn't hit me until my personal life decided to get crazy along with my academic life. I planned for the academic craziness after spring break but not the personal!

Sometimes it just all seems too much, but I keep telling myself in the end it will all be worth it. Is the end here?!...For far too long has life felt this way and Im wondering is there peace in sight? Will life give me a chance to breathe...just for a minute to catch my breath? Something tells me not and i have to snatch the breaths to the best of my ability as I travel through this whirlwind called LIFE!


so i decided to take a break from reading and write another blog...
and i realized that everytime i blink my eyes feel sore (well not being tired sore, like its bruised...) then i wondered why it was sore... i have a feeling i either contracted my sisters stye... i heard that its contagious through contact... we share the same contact solution... (NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)

i can now say good bye to one side of my eye for a week (that is if it is a stye...) hopefully its not...

anyways so i was looking at the news and turns out that the last US sardine company is going to shut down offically next week... its sad that many of the jobs that really helped industrialize america (well give jobs) are going out of business... but it was bound to happen i guess. i doubt many people eat sardines today like they would have in the 1950s. hopefully the sardine workers will be able to still have a job somewhere.

-Charlene Kim

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Well that's over

Looking at some of the designs of project 2 I was pretty impressed. Some of the best designs actually had minimal programming, but had a slick look, a cohesive feel and a good style. It goes to show that being a good programmer is not the same as being a good designer or artist.

Looking forward to the next project, and learning a few more bits and bobs.

Eric Smith

Project 2 Critque

It was awesome. There were so many great projects had been done and displayed. I hope everybody will do better on our last project

Phuong Nguyen

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Everyone said it

It sucks to be back in school after a 10 day break. Anyway, I'm still having problems viewing my project2 in different browsers besides Safari. I think what I'll end up doing is starting over and working it off of Firefox first rather than Safari. I haven't thought much about project3 since it was assigned 2 weeks ago, which I'm sure I'm not alone on this. I was busy thinking of ways to fix my project2 and vacationing in San Francisco. =). If anyone is dreamweaver-savvy, I would greatly appreciate your help in fixing this problem.

-Amy Truong

Project 2 Critique

today we did the critique for project two, and all i can say is WOW. It was completley nerve-wracking to stand up in front of the class and explain the site. Furthermore it was upsetting to see my last link; it was upsetting because the images that were suppose to be there were not there. I know exactly why that happened and that was because the images were located outside of my image folder, and i believe they were deleted on accident. Anyway today's critique session was amazing. It is really interesting to see how much we all have improved from the beginning of the semester to now. In such a short period of time students are creating sites that look really, really good and i think that it is also has a lot to do with Professor Anderson teaching. Every student did some amazing work today and it shows the time and effort that was placed on each project. It was also really interesting to get a better idea of what other students are like in our class. each student is different and this project gave us the opportunity to show who we are and in the process gave us the chance to get to know our classmates a little bit better.

Oh and "Silence is Golden" :)

Ricardo Guzman

charlene kim


ok so i planned to catch up in many of my classes BUT...

randomly my parents decide to remodel the living room =.=;;
meaning i have to help them paint, buy the furniture etc...

so i only done half my work over spring break.....

to sum it up i feel as if i was totally unproductive minus the fact that i cleaned my room.

Back again

Spring break is over, and I am extremely sad, but also excited that there are only 4 more weeks of school. Today we are going over project 2 and I am dreading it. I realized that my site look awful, and boring. I want to be skipped over and just try harder on project 3. Arg.

As for project 3...I am still trying to think of exactly what I want to do and making sure I can get all that done before it is due.

-Chelsea Kowitz

Project 2 presentation

Today is apparently the presentation day of project two. It will be really interesting to see what everyone has come up with. I assume that there will be a wider variety of sites this time, compared to the ones in project one.

-- Erik Hedberg

Monday, April 12, 2010

Flash Techniques

Is anyone good at different Flash techniques. I wanted to get some information on how to get photos to pop-up and load in a Flash window when clicked. This will be useful in a photo gallery rather than having pictures load in a separate page. Any thoughts or hints?

-Alan Fassonaki

Project 3 Ideas

I am looking forward for project 3. What ideas do you guys have for the story? Does anyone know of a good page length for this sort of website. I do not want to make it too lengthy where the story just drags on. Also, thanks Josh for the helpful link.

- Alan Fassonaki

Back to school

no more spring break...its a shame feel so overwhelmed with projects now but at least we wrapped up project 2! thanks for the link josh posted it was pretty handy. can't wait to dive right into the next project..this class has been so much fun learning all the web basics...
-jesselyn antonio

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Interesting design idea

For the past two projects, Prof Anderson has been asking us to do sketches of what we want the website to look like, which I have found to be extremely helpful. Wandering the 'net today, I found this pretty cool collection of sketch templates, available here.
I think I'll probably use one of the first couple, the more generic ones. They could be pretty helpful in clarifying what I want to do for this interactive book thing that we've got going on.
-Josh Henning

Project 2 finished

well, now that I've had a while to cool off from project 2, I think it's a good time to talk about it a little. The whole thing was a bit strange to me, to be honest. First off, for some reason I have the due dates of most of the assignments about a week early, so I finished project 2 in an almighty rush, then came to class and found out I hadn't needed to. When I looked at the requirements for the project, I realized that it didn't matter so much that I didn't include motion gifs or CSS elements either; so I decided not to fix what isn't broken, and keep it as is.

I think the strongest element of my version of Project 2 is the way that it stays true to the overarching goal. It's not very flashy, but every page does what it can to try to 'transcend reality'. I think I really had a leg up here in that almost every photo or piece of poetry was written by me. The only pieces not done by me were written by friends who I actually know. As a result of that, I think the overall flow from one piece to the next is more meaningful. Moreover, I think that the theme I incorporated, 'A walk from darkness into light' adds a deeper dimension. Rather than being a scattershot of different prisms of life, there is an overall movement to the website.
-Josh Henning

Thursday, April 8, 2010

project 2 completion

Project 2 was really difficult and I think mine still turned out looking horrible. I don't know much about how to design a website and I'm not really an artsy person. I hope it seems halfway decent to others. Some of the websites I saw fellow students working on looked 100 times better. I really want to see the creative types of things people came up with to share about themselves. Hopefully I will do better on Project 3. Flash seems like it won't be as intense and the e-book seems like it could be fun.
- Philo

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Well it was fun to get into some Flash. Even if it may become deprecated at some point. You can do some cool stuff with it and add some neat parts to a website.
Looking forward to project 3, haven't thought of anything yet, but hopefully a good idea will come by.

Eric Smith