Monday, May 10, 2010

Embeddable Audio Players- Henning

Did some digging in my browser's history, and I've found some of the sites that talk about web players. There are a lot of different solutions. I knew pretty much right off that I wanted to autoplay the mp3, which narrowed down the field quite a bit. I played with the Google mp3 player quite a bit, but I couldn't ever get it to work. Not sure if that was an issue with the player or with me.
Eventually I settled on the simplest option (First entry on link). It has autoplay, allows one to set the width and height (which I set to zero, effectively hiding the player), and even allows you to set the volume. This ended up coming in handy, because I didn't want the audio files to be jarringly loud. It's not the prettiest option, but I found it the most effective for my final project.

--Josh Henning

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