This class has been great, but just like all great things in life they all must come to an end. The semester is now over and i can truly say that i learned a whole lot of useful information throughout the whole semester. Today i had the privilage to see how far everyone has come from the start of the semester upto the end of the semester and it is very impressive. Everyones final project was really amazing and it just goes to show how much knowledge everyone has gained over the course of the semester. The third and final project gave everyone a chance to be as creative as they wanted to be and it was really fun to see the creativity behind these projects. Today i seen some amazingly creative projects about poo :), zombies, traveling gnome, treasure hunt, love, a spoon's adventure, and many more, but they were all great. I wish everyone the best in their future and a hopefully everyone has a great summer break.
Ricardo Guzman
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The Ecstatic.
Today is the last day of class. The summer is finally here!! I definitely have big plans for it. Can't spill the beans on it though. I hope everyone appreciated my final project (project 3). I wanted to express a central theme we encounter everyday; love. Anyway, its been a pleasure.
- Hakeem Animashaun
- Hakeem Animashaun
The last day
Here we go the last day of this semester.. Just a few more hours, i can enjoy my time with movies, games and beer ... Hooya !
Have fun in summer and be safe guys !
Phuong Nguyen
Have fun in summer and be safe guys !
Phuong Nguyen
Final projects
Last lecture of class today. It's going to be reslly interesting to see what everyone did for their final project.
-- Nils Erik Hedberg
-- Nils Erik Hedberg
Thank God I got a perfect score on this final!! I need all the points I can possibly get my hands on..I don't even have a perfect score on all of my quizzes..
-Rikki Bentley
-Rikki Bentley
One Last Class
Well it's been a blast, I've learned more about web design than I thought I would. Only one last class left, maybe we get to eat pizza for the entire class and look over out work or something.
I'm so glad this semester is over, trying to juggle 50 hour work weeks and full units wears you down after a while. I'm gonna take a long brain break starting this Saturday, and I think a lot of my classmates feel the same.
I hope to see some of you guys around campus in future semesters, and hope you do well in you r classes.
Eric Smith
I'm so glad this semester is over, trying to juggle 50 hour work weeks and full units wears you down after a while. I'm gonna take a long brain break starting this Saturday, and I think a lot of my classmates feel the same.
I hope to see some of you guys around campus in future semesters, and hope you do well in you r classes.
Eric Smith
Final Meeting
It's weird that our last day is tomorrow. The semester actually went by pretty quickly. The class has been pretty tough and frustrating at times for me since I am unfamiliar with most of the programs we used. But there's something really rewarding about seeing a project finally completed after spending countless hours on it. I have seen much creativity throughout the semester and I have no idea why some of the students are even in the class because they made such well-designed, perfectly executed websites. I hope to one day make websites with such skill as the ones I have seen during the class critiques. I think I have really learned a thing or two about web design though. I think I have improved in the areas of: how to craft something that is easy to navigate, how to make sure to keep pages uncluttered and keep clean layouts, how to make it pleasing to the eye and how to make it flow well from one page to another. I want to observe other people's projects to see what stylistic choices they made and how they chose to interact with the audience. Overall, it's been a little difficult but it was worthwhile. My eye for web art and design has definitely improved after taking this class. I hope that I can utilize the skills to work on projects of my own even after this course is over.
- Philo Leung
- Philo Leung
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
finale: the end, final movement, last
tomorrow is the official last time we all meet. wow, already this semester went by so fast!! who knew it would!
so here is some self reflection:
self reflection:
if i can choose one thing to redo this semeseter it would probably taking the wrong research class. Well i mean, it is the right class but the instructor for my history seminar class was a bit out of it. anyways, so last night i didnt get any sleep trying to fix and finish my research paper again. i ended up deleting half the paper, rewriting it, only to find that id delete it again, rewriting it once agian. thats how bad it was.
well here is the reason:
usually on a any paper we need something called sources but there are two types, called primary souce and secondary source. Primary source is something from that time period, place, etc (persons biography, picture, newspaper, articles...) while secondary sources are usually stuff that is written after that period (biography, textbooks, professor may be a secondary source, etc...) well, my instructor allowed us for our seminar class to pick our topics on whatever we wanted. (and here i thought, how easy!!) turns out other seminar instructors do not allow that, they have the topics.... Usually when a student pick their own topics, they end up having primary sources but no secondary sources, or the other way around. That is what exactly happened to me. I, of course did go and ask for help, however, my instructor told me that it was ok and i should continue. Well it wasnt. so last night i just looked up at other secondary sources that did not mention the person i wrote about and tried to stretch my paper to at least 15 pages. (I made fourteen and a half but i dont care at this point) so i stayed up till 9 in the morning, feeling nauseated from all the caffine i had consumed, walked across the campus with my whole body shaking, and i finally turned it in to the history department. UGH. worst thing ever!!
does anyone else in this class have their horror stories to tell? i hope no one had misguidance from an instructor like i have.
-charlene kim
tomorrow is the official last time we all meet. wow, already this semester went by so fast!! who knew it would!
so here is some self reflection:
self reflection:
if i can choose one thing to redo this semeseter it would probably taking the wrong research class. Well i mean, it is the right class but the instructor for my history seminar class was a bit out of it. anyways, so last night i didnt get any sleep trying to fix and finish my research paper again. i ended up deleting half the paper, rewriting it, only to find that id delete it again, rewriting it once agian. thats how bad it was.
well here is the reason:
usually on a any paper we need something called sources but there are two types, called primary souce and secondary source. Primary source is something from that time period, place, etc (persons biography, picture, newspaper, articles...) while secondary sources are usually stuff that is written after that period (biography, textbooks, professor may be a secondary source, etc...) well, my instructor allowed us for our seminar class to pick our topics on whatever we wanted. (and here i thought, how easy!!) turns out other seminar instructors do not allow that, they have the topics.... Usually when a student pick their own topics, they end up having primary sources but no secondary sources, or the other way around. That is what exactly happened to me. I, of course did go and ask for help, however, my instructor told me that it was ok and i should continue. Well it wasnt. so last night i just looked up at other secondary sources that did not mention the person i wrote about and tried to stretch my paper to at least 15 pages. (I made fourteen and a half but i dont care at this point) so i stayed up till 9 in the morning, feeling nauseated from all the caffine i had consumed, walked across the campus with my whole body shaking, and i finally turned it in to the history department. UGH. worst thing ever!!
does anyone else in this class have their horror stories to tell? i hope no one had misguidance from an instructor like i have.
-charlene kim
finishing the exercise
Finishing up the last exercises was a good review of what I have been working on lately with Flash and website layout. It's funny how it always seems so difficult when I review the tutorials but when I actually work on the exercises, they are a lot more entertaining than I thought they would be. It's always a good feeling to see how the final product ended up and how I decided to alter or change aspects of an exercise utilizing the tools that we learned about. I think it's good that we were encouraged to tinker with the exercises to suit our tastes instead of forcing everyone to turn in the same exact assignment. I think it fuels the creativity.
- Philo Leung
- Philo Leung
Approaching our last day!
I can't believe tomorrow is our last class! Reading through some of the previous posts from this week, I see that others of you have the same curiosities that I do - what will we do for the two hour time block allotted to our final session of class tomorrow? At first I thought that possibly we would actually take the final together in class, but then I remembered the professor saying just to take it sometime before the last day; so I sucked it up, reviewed my previous quizzes and took the final...far less intimidating once its done! And just like she said it would be, the final was simply an accumulation of all of the previous quiz questions - at least I feel good about leaving the semester on high note (haha, yea right!)
....though I greatly enjoyed creating all of our past projects, I must say that I had the most fun with project 3 since I had the most amount of experience and exercises to assist in my web design choices. The one thing I really wish though, is that I had either collaborated with others to see what types of sites they did and to have given myself more time...the absence of time: my life central theme.
See everyone tomorrow!
....though I greatly enjoyed creating all of our past projects, I must say that I had the most fun with project 3 since I had the most amount of experience and exercises to assist in my web design choices. The one thing I really wish though, is that I had either collaborated with others to see what types of sites they did and to have given myself more time...the absence of time: my life central theme.
See everyone tomorrow!
Have you ever just wanted to throw your computer, phone or any other technological device out the window because it just will not function correctly? My phone is acting as if it has a brain of its own and it is very frustrating. The battery will not stay charged and it tends to fail me when im in the middle of a conversation. :( Eventually I will get a new one (when money allows) but any minute now out the window it will go!
~Jazzmin Cruse
~Jazzmin Cruse
Class picture
Has everyone seen our class picture?! I must say, it came out pretty cool :) I thought we were going to look crazy (in a bad way). But I'm not as ashamed of it as I thought I would be. Now, will I tell my friends to look at it? That's a thought to be pondered lol. But I do like it :)
~Jazzmin Cruse
~Jazzmin Cruse
Class Tomorrow
So I wonder what exactly we will be doing for 2 hours in our last day or class. I know we're going to view our classmates projects, but will it really take up the total period? I'll be glad to leave early.. see you all in class tomorrow.
-Brandon Rivera
-Brandon Rivera
Okay so I'm bound to take the final for this class soon, but i know that i must fist revise previous quizzes because i want to ace the test. Finals for other classes have been frustrating, fortunately i got an A on my poli sci exam but who knows how i did on my graphic design final. The suspense is killing me. Well see you all tomorrow :)
-Aaron Gonzalez
-Aaron Gonzalez
I just completed the final for this calss and I ACED IT! If you review the previous quizzes acing it is the only option. Everyone, study well and good luck on this final and all the rest.
~Jazzmin Cruse
~Jazzmin Cruse
I hate it when teachers make test specifically finlas that cover a rediculous amout of information and you have no idea what to stuy. You then become so overwhelmed with all the information and trying to make sure you know as much as possible to get a good grade on the final. IT'S CRAZY! However, I believe professor Anderson understands my pain and the pain of my fellow peers;) Our final is 15 questions and they all are coming from our previous quizzes. Which means there is no reason anyone should not get a 100%. These are the type of gestures that lets me know there some professors have hearts ;)
~Jazzmin Cruse
~Jazzmin Cruse
2 days and counting...
The semester will be over in exactly 2 DAYS!It went by so fast. I have 1 final down and 3 to go. It's all surreal. Why is this semesters end is different from all the others? Because I will be graduating this time next year and I can finally see the end. Yes, I have an entire year. But being a college student , you know that college time is much different fro real life time. There are only 4 months in a semester. Therefore, I have 8 school months before it is all said and done. I knew this day would come but to know that it is sooooo close I can almost touch it is so exciting and in the end will be amazingly rewarding!
~Jazzmin Cruse
~Jazzmin Cruse
Just finished the final!
Whew! I just finished the final. Really happy about the score that I got, too. Like everyone's been saying, everything is review from the previous quizzes, so as long as you do a bit of studying before hand, nothing should jump out at you.
This class has been really great. I really didn't think I'd learn as much as I have. I mean, before getting into this class I had no idea what goes into making a web-page. Now, I've created a fully functional one, that's actually online! Pretty great. I think that the coolest thing we learned was how to do the AP elements and Spry elements in Dreamweaver. It's much easier than I would've thought.
I'm glad that I gook this class.
--Josh Henning
This class has been really great. I really didn't think I'd learn as much as I have. I mean, before getting into this class I had no idea what goes into making a web-page. Now, I've created a fully functional one, that's actually online! Pretty great. I think that the coolest thing we learned was how to do the AP elements and Spry elements in Dreamweaver. It's much easier than I would've thought.
I'm glad that I gook this class.
--Josh Henning
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Final Exam
The final exam is 15 questions and just as the professor told us, the questions all come from the prior exams, so as long as you review those exams you should do fine. And you have a 2 hour time limit, which is way more than you'll need.
Eric Smith
Eric Smith
the semester is nearly over
I can't believe it, this semester came and went in a jiffy. I am pleased to say that choosing this class couldn't have gone any better. I will be leaving without any regrets because I know that Professor Anderson as taught us well, and has helped us build a foundation for what is yet to come if we decide to continue with Web Design. :)
-Aaron Gonzalez
-Aaron Gonzalez
Final Exam
We only have one exam left for this class! Anyone know if it cumulative, more than 5 questions, or when we should begin?
I have started my quizzes before the due date in the past and I lucked out on information for the quiz that I could have had if I waited for the class day.
- Alan Fassonaki
I have started my quizzes before the due date in the past and I lucked out on information for the quiz that I could have had if I waited for the class day.
- Alan Fassonaki
CoKeem Dreams.

It's the last week of my freshman year here at Cal State University Northridge. I must say; its been a pleasure.
This past Spring brought along a number of stimulating ideas, creations, and of course web design projects. Going into this class, I really wanted to learn how to design a web page for my company so I wouldn't have to pay some guy a bunch of money. So I was going in for business purposes only. But as the time flew on, I learned a tremendous amount of knowledge.
Creating a web page requires from you the ability to express your ideas, creative vision, and personal beliefs. I really believe if I didn't take this course, my life would be totally different. Not to over exaggerate or anything, but the right side of my brain was really worked this semester.
I'd like to thank Professor Ruth Ann Anderson for doing a masterful job in challenging my mind and bringing out the best in me, and hopefully everyone else in the class.
Its been a pleasure.
Hakeem Animashaun
can you all beleive that this semester went by so quickly?? its already finals >o<
i just took one of my history finals and oh my gosh, everything i have studied for the past six hours wasn't even on the final!! The ones i knew were on, something i didnt even spend time studying...
well at least it was a good day!
-charlene kim
Monday, May 10, 2010
Man I cant believe that finals are finally here. It feels like just yesterday I was attending school for the first time of the new semester. I have definitely enjoyed my time in art 201. I kind of wish there was more time left in the semester. Well I truly learned a lot things in this class in regards to web design.
-Brandon Rivera
-Brandon Rivera
Final Days
It is finals week, yet I have only one real final. I finished my final for my other art class, and now all I have let for this semester is the final quiz for this class. Excited to look at all the websites in class on thursday. Time for the semester to end, and the summer to start. School will continue for me in June...Bleh, summer school. See you all Thursday!!
Chelsea Kowitz
thursday is it! the last class of Web Design of the semester. wierdly enough, all my finals are on thursday. i know that i do not really have to do much of anything for Web Design on Thursday, except reading over the exercises and making some quick notes for the final. it just would have been nice to have a shorter (or more late starting) day on Thursday.
welcome to the finale of Crunch Time! this is Hell Week! a major project due on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. than i am finished! i have a lot of work to do... i can't wait to be able to sleep again...
better get started!
welcome to the finale of Crunch Time! this is Hell Week! a major project due on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. than i am finished! i have a lot of work to do... i can't wait to be able to sleep again...
better get started!
each new tool that we learn increases the potential of what we can do with our projects. each one expands out palette and allows us to be more creative. on that note, it would have been really handy for my final project. If i knew how to use those spry widgets, the drop down menues would have added so much to my site. as it is, i just made do with links and rollovers and it works; just not as well as i would like.
Web hosting Services- Henning
My final project depended a great deal on externally hosted images and video. I did a little research before jumping into the project, but I kind of wish I'd done a little more.
Let's start with video hosting. Obviously, given the 5mb upload limit, putting up a 102mb .avi file wouldn't work well. The first option is probably the best known: Youtube, king of vid hosting. This site is essentially ubiquitious on the 'net, and it's embedded player works well. The reason I didn't use this site is simple: when the video finishes, youtube shows all sorts of annoying links to other people's videos. Not for me.
Another up and coming option is Vimeo. This site is kind of the older brother of YouTube. Cleaner, more professional, with generally higher quality content. The Vimeo player stutters a little bit sometimes, and the quality of my video isn't HD, so I decided to go with a much more small scale option, Lost Zombies.
Essentially, Lost Zombies is one of the myriad of websites catering to a fiercely niche crowd. The site has it's own generic web player with embeddable options. The player was the easiest choice for me, and I was at ease with the possibility of a user of my site clicking back to Lost Zombies, since it's content is by and large the same as my final project's.
Ok, let's talk about photo hosting really quick. I've gotta be honest, it was basically only one option from the moment I decided to host externally: Flickr is probably the most common file hosting site on the 'net, and it's myriad of upload options were what drew me to it. To be honest, I broke the 'community guidelines' by not including trackback links to every photo, but I hope that the Flickr people won't be angry with me (I love you, Flickr! Please don't hurt me!)
This group allows anyone to upload a certain number of photos to their servers, view and organize them. For a fee you can get unlimited uploads and other little goodies. I've got the unlimited version, and use Flickr to back up all my photos. I'd really rather not lose all my memories if my hard drive crashes.
--Josh Henning
Let's start with video hosting. Obviously, given the 5mb upload limit, putting up a 102mb .avi file wouldn't work well. The first option is probably the best known: Youtube, king of vid hosting. This site is essentially ubiquitious on the 'net, and it's embedded player works well. The reason I didn't use this site is simple: when the video finishes, youtube shows all sorts of annoying links to other people's videos. Not for me.
Another up and coming option is Vimeo. This site is kind of the older brother of YouTube. Cleaner, more professional, with generally higher quality content. The Vimeo player stutters a little bit sometimes, and the quality of my video isn't HD, so I decided to go with a much more small scale option, Lost Zombies.
Essentially, Lost Zombies is one of the myriad of websites catering to a fiercely niche crowd. The site has it's own generic web player with embeddable options. The player was the easiest choice for me, and I was at ease with the possibility of a user of my site clicking back to Lost Zombies, since it's content is by and large the same as my final project's.
Ok, let's talk about photo hosting really quick. I've gotta be honest, it was basically only one option from the moment I decided to host externally: Flickr is probably the most common file hosting site on the 'net, and it's myriad of upload options were what drew me to it. To be honest, I broke the 'community guidelines' by not including trackback links to every photo, but I hope that the Flickr people won't be angry with me (I love you, Flickr! Please don't hurt me!)
This group allows anyone to upload a certain number of photos to their servers, view and organize them. For a fee you can get unlimited uploads and other little goodies. I've got the unlimited version, and use Flickr to back up all my photos. I'd really rather not lose all my memories if my hard drive crashes.
--Josh Henning
Embeddable Audio Players- Henning
Did some digging in my browser's history, and I've found some of the sites that talk about web players. There are a lot of different solutions. I knew pretty much right off that I wanted to autoplay the mp3, which narrowed down the field quite a bit. I played with the Google mp3 player quite a bit, but I couldn't ever get it to work. Not sure if that was an issue with the player or with me.
Eventually I settled on the simplest option (First entry on link). It has autoplay, allows one to set the width and height (which I set to zero, effectively hiding the player), and even allows you to set the volume. This ended up coming in handy, because I didn't want the audio files to be jarringly loud. It's not the prettiest option, but I found it the most effective for my final project.
--Josh Henning
Eventually I settled on the simplest option (First entry on link). It has autoplay, allows one to set the width and height (which I set to zero, effectively hiding the player), and even allows you to set the volume. This ended up coming in handy, because I didn't want the audio files to be jarringly loud. It's not the prettiest option, but I found it the most effective for my final project.
--Josh Henning
Final Project: recap- Henning
Man. That was intense. I think my final project turned out well. However, there are a number of things that I think could have gone better.
First off, to the things I'm happy about. I really like the overall feel of the website. The sounds, the images, the pop up boxes-- I think they all worked well together. I'm especially happy about how well the sound beds worked into the project. I did a bunch of research into different kinds of audio players, but I eventually decided to go with the simplest. I'll try to put up a short post about the different types later. The biggest downside of the one that I put up is that it's set to continually autoloop, which could get really annoying. Thankfully, each audio file is pretty long, with the longest at around 5 minutes, so they probably won't repeat unless you leave the site up to go get coffee or something. At which point, it doesn't really matter too much.
I wish I'd posted the images in higher quality. I come from a film/video background, so I always worry a lot about size when posting something on the internet. At some point, I'll post up a short discussion about the filehosting sites I used. Anyway, I compressed the spit out of the images, and it kind of shows. That said, they're super small and load really fast. However, I think I didn't need to lower their quality quite that much.
Overall, I think that my final is a well working capstone for the semester. I'm happy.
--Josh Henning
First off, to the things I'm happy about. I really like the overall feel of the website. The sounds, the images, the pop up boxes-- I think they all worked well together. I'm especially happy about how well the sound beds worked into the project. I did a bunch of research into different kinds of audio players, but I eventually decided to go with the simplest. I'll try to put up a short post about the different types later. The biggest downside of the one that I put up is that it's set to continually autoloop, which could get really annoying. Thankfully, each audio file is pretty long, with the longest at around 5 minutes, so they probably won't repeat unless you leave the site up to go get coffee or something. At which point, it doesn't really matter too much.
I wish I'd posted the images in higher quality. I come from a film/video background, so I always worry a lot about size when posting something on the internet. At some point, I'll post up a short discussion about the filehosting sites I used. Anyway, I compressed the spit out of the images, and it kind of shows. That said, they're super small and load really fast. However, I think I didn't need to lower their quality quite that much.
Overall, I think that my final is a well working capstone for the semester. I'm happy.
--Josh Henning
final project
I'm so glad the last project is over. It took me forever to do it but I think the final product turned out a lot better than I expected. I think it works pretty well for a children's book and it's simple instead of overwhelming the audience with too many links or colors. It changed a little from my original idea but I think the rollovers and the dialogue throughout make it interesting. I've also gotten some positive reactions so that's always good after working so hard on a project. I hope that this project will help me in the future if I ever need to work on something similar. Even though it was difficult, it's fun seeing it all come together and seeing people's reactions.
- Philo Leung
- Philo Leung
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Final week !
The time passed so fast, this is our final week. I did learned so many great stuffs with web design and i'm looking forward to learn the next level class with web design next semester.
I wish everybody will do their best with the finals.
Phuong Nguyen
I wish everybody will do their best with the finals.
Phuong Nguyen
Last Task for Art201
This is my very last entry needed to complete the 10 points for the blog portion. Honestly, I didn't think I'd learn so much in this class compared to my other multimedia class. I agree with the last entry. Spry widgets are beneficial to making a web page look more organized and that I wished we could've learned it sooner. I noticed that when I was working with spry widgets, Dreamweaver opened up a new work area titled CSS or something like that. I looked through it and noticed that it gave you details of what each tag did. I thought that was cool. The way that this class was thought also made me learn a lot better with step-by-step instructions and visuals to know what our final results should look like. Think of it as a cookbook. You have pictures of what the cake or pasta should look like. If there was a "like" option, I would "like" it for sure.
Anyway, good luck to everyone on their future endeavors and have a great summer!
-Amy Truong
Anyway, good luck to everyone on their future endeavors and have a great summer!
-Amy Truong
Friday, May 7, 2010
Well Ex14 was really fun and very helpful. Spry elements can be very useful and helpful when designing a web site. The spry menu is a real good tool to know and use to keep the site design looking clean and organized. Overall i kinda wish that we could have been taught this earlier on in the semester so that i could have used it in a project, but irregardless i am still happy that we got this exercise in before the semester ended.
A restart on exercises
Having a good turnout here in the computer lab. Getting caught up on all of my work once again..
-Rikki Bentley
Thursday, May 6, 2010
No Miracle..
On top of the couple of exercises I was missing..just realized that the ones I had worked hard on some time ago were deleted from my flash drive as I was working on things inside of the computer lab..when that computer kept freezing on me..
-Rikki Bentley
The class is coming to an end
Projects done, final exam taken and all the exercises are completed. I guess this is it. It's been interesting to learn how to use Dreamweaver and Flash. Dreamweaver is a really handy application for people that don't want to bother about coding. It only requires some basic design skills and a vivid imagination. The application is a handy tool for publishing contents on the web and giving it a nice design. I do believe I still want to stick to regular XHTML, JavaScript and CSS coding though, since I feel that I have more control over the site's appearance and behavior.
- Erik Hedberg
Still Missing Things...
I may feel good about my completed project but I'm still missing a mess load of exercises...praying for a miracle to come at this moment...
-Rikki Bentley
Project 3
Feeling good that I finally got some work in! Even got to class on time today... =/
-Rikki Bentley
Excerisise 14
Exercise 14 is really cool, and I wish I was able to use it in a project. I like the idea of a drop down window to get to links. This class has been really fun and informative, and a bit stressful. Project 2 was the worst for me. I stressed out a lot and wasn't even happy with my end result. I also want to fix a few things on project 3...but oh well. It will have to do.
-Chelsea Kowitz
Overall I have to say that the amount of material that I have learned in this class have been quite extensive. I am pleased with the material I have been able to take away, They are very useful when applied to my own websites. Although I did want to learn more about Flash, I am sure I will need a dedicated class for that program. I am happy that I was at least able to get my feet wet with the program.
-Alan Fassonaki
-Alan Fassonaki
Final Exam
Anyone know if the final exam is compiled from the past quizzes. The would make preparing for the exam a lot easier because we can review the quizzes we already completed.
-Alan Fassonaki
-Alan Fassonaki
EX 13
The initial instructions did go by pretty fast, but it is nice that she goes over it all again. I did not have an issue keeping up the first time, but I did catch a few elements that I missed the first time the second time around.
- Alan Fassonaki
- Alan Fassonaki
Ex 13
Wow todays ex13 was truly a quick presentation. I think Professor Anderson went through it in only 5 min. I tried to keep up but then some how i got left behind. This must have been the first time that this has ever! Did anyone else get left in the dust? The ex13 assignment file isnt very helpful either..
-Brandon Rivera
I'm so excited...
I finished my project three and i'm so happy with the turnout. I never thought I would ever be creating websites with this many pages. I took an intro HTML class in high school but we never linked nearly this many pages to one single directory. Using dreamweaver has been the best, it's such a great step over conventional HTML coding on text editing programs. I can't wait to see the entire class website once it's assembled and done. :)
-Aaron Gonzalez
-Aaron Gonzalez
i'm really glad that i am done with the work for Webdesign... i have a lot of other work for other classes that i need to focus on now. i think that my project 3 turned out good... i'm not entirely sure though... the complexity of my web pages was rather low, being that i focused on rollovers the whole time. but my story was good and i had alot of pages that went with it. i'm hoping that the amount of pages and branches that i have in the story will pay off...
i really learned a lot in this class. i am glad i took it, but i don't think that i ever am going to take a 8am class again...
--Winston Clark--
i really learned a lot in this class. i am glad i took it, but i don't think that i ever am going to take a 8am class again...
--Winston Clark--
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
i just realized... i messed up on project 3. As i looked over my project with my friend (she of course laughed at me) I realized I made a typo on my story. Well hopefully no one would realize it when we present. Maybe everyone would over read it! hahaha
-charelne kim
-charelne kim
Project 3
YAY, project 3 has been completed. I am really excited about how it turned out, and I can't wait to see the class website all finished and up. Still need to do a few quizzes and the paragraph for project three. Right now I am taking a break from studying for my 2 finals tomorrow. Bleh. Really excited to be finishing up this year. I am ready for a busy, but relaxing summer.....I hope.
-Chelsea Kowitz
-Chelsea Kowitz
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
project 3
omg i finished it!!
AHAHAAHAHAAAA yes i did ittttt.
but looking back now, i wish i had more time to do some more stuff... like 30 more mintues :/
So now that finals are coming around, I am starting to get that nervous feeling. I regret taking 18 units this semester....
workload > charlene
oh well, at least i enjoyed this class haha even though it was stressful figuring out what was what!
-charlene kim
AHAHAAHAHAAAA yes i did ittttt.
but looking back now, i wish i had more time to do some more stuff... like 30 more mintues :/
So now that finals are coming around, I am starting to get that nervous feeling. I regret taking 18 units this semester....
workload > charlene
oh well, at least i enjoyed this class haha even though it was stressful figuring out what was what!
-charlene kim
finally doneeee
I spend 5 hours yesterday to figure out what to do on project #3 and to start. Once I stated everything just flowed. I finished my project in class today and I am really relieved. The one thing i did not know about, is the little description about the project that should have been attached. However, there is just one "big" thing left.
-Maria Pistalu
-Maria Pistalu
Project #3
I saw so many great projects today from our classmate. I am feeling that my website will be bad. My website doesn't have music while other do have. The reason i didn't put on any music because i really hate music auto-run on a website. Nevertheless, other website's story are complicate or great thinking while my website just simple and straight forward to the source of the story.
Phuong Nguyen
Phuong Nguyen
Project 3
Yay ! finally done with this first I was a little confused on what to do but when it hit me it i just kicked it in gear and cranked it out!....get to pick up my cap and gown today!finals are just about around the corner...good luck on it everybody...
Monday, May 3, 2010
Project 3
Well this project is going along at a slow pace but surely will get there. I have had so many thoughts over the last week about what my theme should be but I have trouble deciding on how to transfer the thought into a visual design. However, nothing is impossible and I will get this done to the best of my abilities. I can't wait to see everyone else's websites once they are added to the class website. :)
-Aaron Gonzalez
-Aaron Gonzalez
Project #3
I saw some of the projects from last semester and now they don't seem as complicated as they were in the beginninng of the semester. I'm looking forward to compare my project with those from last year.
-Maria Pistalu
-Maria Pistalu
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Music on web page
if you go into the code and put autostart="false" into the tag it will not play automatically.
So the tag would look something like this:
<embed src="Sound files/harp.aif" width="100" height="32" autostart="false"> </embed >
The other Eric showed me how to do that.
Eric Smith
So the tag would look something like this:
<embed src="Sound files/harp.aif" width="100" height="32" autostart="false"> </embed >
The other Eric showed me how to do that.
Eric Smith
last week of former instruction...
wow end of the semester already...i don't know if anyone went to portfolio review this weekend it was tons of fun! got to meet a bunch of design studios...if your not graduating yet i definitely recommend going to it next get tons of feedback so you can have that perfect portfolio before you last class the exercises were pretty straight forward...adding music was pretty cool i kinda new how to do it already but good to fresh up on things...wish we could've spent more time on flash though thats something i definitely need some more practice..
Saturday, May 1, 2010
music on web page
I really don't like the way that music auto play on the website. Sometimes, i feel that it's really annoying me. The best way to put music on the website, is we should put a "play button" which will allow user to have the right to decide to play it or not.
Phuong Nguyen
Phuong Nguyen
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