Sunday, May 10, 2009


I'm sure some of you are already familiar with this concept, but I just recently realized how important it is: before doing any type of design on the computer, it's essential that we write it out and/or do sketches first.
When the professors made it mandatory to show/turn in thumbnails or sketches, I moaned at the extra time I would spend drawing it out on paper. Now I'm grateful that this practice was implemented early on. Whenever I find myself hitting a brick wall trying to figure out what to do next, I have a hard copy of my idea to refer to.
In the past, whenever I have an idea or want to get something done on the computer, I just go straight on there. Instead of first jotting down my thoughts on paper, I would use the computer to immediately try out different things. Of course, that route took 7-10 times as much time to get things done. I would constantly change my mind, then forget which font or color, etc. I liked originally.


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